I am the gal behind the lens (and the computer, and the phone for that matter) at Blomquist Photography. I am Amy and I think I’m a pretty decent human but I’ll let you be the judge!
When I was little I loved begging my brother to let me play GI Joe with his friends in the gully behind our house. Zipping down the hill on the runner sled stacked double with my best bud, trailing behind my brother’s bike in the Red Flyer wagon, and birthday dinners with raspberry torte made with love by my mom also come to mind. Soccer goals, scraped knees, and My Little Ponies fill my memories as well as summer vacations at our cabin in the San Luis Valley, playing teacher and zooming down the Slip ‘N Slide.
What I cherish and value from my childhood remain a constant in my adult life-I am a teacher, an athlete, a thrill seeker, a foodie, and a traveler.
Oh, and not to be forgotten… a photographer. It is impossible to truly capture a moment in a photograph, but it is the closest tangible record we can save of that second. It is a small reminder of what it felt like in that day in time. Who you were and who you will always be-your imperfectly perfect self and your family that surrounds you.

Ruby – Everyone calls her my mini but I just can’t see it. Reading up a storm, loves dolls, her bro, coloring, dancing and kindergarten. Her nose freckles and hazel eyes just melt me.
Vaughn – He reaches for me and says “want you” “got you” and gives the best toddler hugs, talking up a storm, loves trucks, his sis, eating and preschool. His long eyelashes and chunky knuckles get me every time.
Jason – Married to this guy for 7 years but we’ve been together for 17! This many years mean that together we have: traveled worldwide, completed insane races, hiked mountains, held a long distance relationship on two occasions, flipped three houses and brought two awesome kids into the world.

sleeping in
natural tones
new tastes in the Denver food scene
off the beaten path
early mornings
pastel colors
fast food
high heels
(if you are still reading…)
- I can’t stand stopping to get gas – I will drive with the gas light on for FAR too long.
- I am addicted to the color grey. There is an overdose of it in my house. But I also love orange and have loved it for longer than it has been trendy (so I think!)
- My mom claims to have invented the word “zit”
- I could live the rest of my life without eating sweets like cotton candy, gummy worms and malted anything but take away dark chocolate and pastries and I just might lose it.
- I still play soccer competitively and have had more injuries playing soccer than my husband has had riding motocross (Amy=4, Jason=1: 1 broken tibia, broken hand, broken nose and concussion to his one separated shoulder).